ENGLISH This is my Imrik, Prince Dragon of Caledor. Imrik is made with components of Lord on Dragon and the head from HE Prince and Noble kit, the horn is from Dragon Princes sprue.
For the dragon I used components of the new Dragon and the body of Malekith’s dragon.

ITALIANO Questo è il mio Imrik, signore dei draghi di Caledor. Per Imirik ho usato componenti del Principe su Drago e del kit del Nobile Alto Elfo. Il drago ha il corpo del drago di Malekith, il Re Stregone, e bitz del nuovo drago degli Alti Elfi.

Look at my High Elves army and Realm of Aqshy



Daemons of Chaos Dark Elves the Empire High Elves Lizardmen
Nagashizzar Skaven Vampire Counts Warriors of Chaos Wood Elves

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